Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So I'm in the home stretch for the upcoming show at Dragonfly... here is a sample of what has been brewing in the ole' studio. I'll keep y'all posted on the opening details, and attempt to have all of that info updated in good order on the website pre-event as well. I'm also installing the new mural at the KidZone Museum in Truckee starting next week; it should be quite alot of fun. I'll take some pictures as it develops and let you see what's going on there.... African theme, lots of lions and tigers and Okapies, oh my.

Back to painting...


Suzie said...

Yay for the posting, and yay for the painting! Way to go Sara!

Karelypants said...

Nice to see a fresh post. Must be something in the air. Keep my "posted" as to when the Dragonfly opening is. Love you too....K