Sunday, April 29, 2007

And Now....

He is Totally Cruising!!!
He's still utilizing couch, chair, wall, pant leg, available thumbs, cabinet knobs, baby-gate, planter.... but we're gonna have to change his name from Couchwalker to Speed Racer, I think. The kid is practically RUNNING as fast as his little baby legs can carry him, at least whenever he has solid furniture or a human to hold on to for balance. Move aside, Bella, he's comin' through!

I am amazed by how fast he's learning.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Here he is, our boy, learning the joy of vertically-oriented furniture travel. This was taken about three weeks ago. Note the thoughtful foot placement and adjustments...

Asher at the Kidzone

Experimenting with movie posting here....
a quick clip of ash at the Kidzone in the baby-crawler area. Kinda cute....