Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Who's the Cutest?

A picture (or in this case four) is worth a thousand words. Good lord, I love this little guy.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


ok, I finally managed to catch him flashing those new pearly whites and just had to share.

Charlotte's fashion show

One of Charlotte's favorite activities seems to be playing "dress up"... like most four year old girls. I remember that lure of the theatrical well from my own childhood... and considering my continued love of costumes I think I still have a fair amount of it lingering. So one Saturday afternoon we started changing some of her costumes and taking "fashion" pictures, and then (joy of joys) pulled out the MAKEUP. Ooooh. That was it. I won't show you the results of what she did to make my face "beautiful", but I did take a picture of her wielding the brush that I am willing to publish.

I will be shocked if this girl doesn't one day go into some form of theatre.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Some Post-Valentine's Day Goodness

So here are a few sweet little images of our sweet little guy... chewing on a red plastic heart... then banging it on the countertop, and finally (not pictured) throwing it on the floor and laughing hysterically. I hope he's not practicing for anything...

And just for giggles, photographic evidence of my attempt at a romantic (or at least humorous) dinner, because what says love better than heart-shaped meat?

Mmmm, heart-shaped buffalo burgers. Original idea courtesy of Grandma Kathy, BTW.

Friday, February 16, 2007

And just in case...

So that (assuming one day soon we get the video link to work and you get to see it) nobody thinks we ONLY feed the poor little dude spinach, here he is happy as a clam in his little clip on chair (thanks Jim and Shannon!)

And here he is enjoying what he USUALLY gets, which is food he really likes!

He looks alot like his Dad, huh? But with a little more drool...


So I attempted to post a video... and will have to try again when tech support comes home.
So instead, I'm back to pictures for now. Simple pictures... much easier for me. Many thanks to tech support (aka Ernie), btw, for making it possible for me to post on here again.

Here is a truly wonderful moment between Charlotte and Asher. Love this photo.

Mom and Dad torturing Asher with spinach

Poor kid, being made to eat spinach for his parents' amusement. So why, exactly, do you think they make stage 2 baby food in "spinach and potato" variety? Exactly how many babies are expected to LIKE it?